Kia Ora!
Mask Genie is a mask subscription run by Genie, a blogger from Genie's Favourite Products. It's a small business (one-woman if I recall correctly), and she lives in Hong Kong. This means she has access to a huge variety of Asian masks (Korean, Japanese, Taiwanese, and more). Genie is really dedicated to being transparent, and her unboxing videos are really helpful - especially as she isn't able to include product cards at this stage like the bigger companies. Mask Genie has a monthly subscription, 10 masks for $22USD or 5 masks for $12USD, both including international shipping. There are also the occasional limited edition pouch, and recently introduced weekend pouches.
This is a limited edition pouch, showcasing the brand Lovemore. Genie made an unpouching video which is really helpful when you have no idea about the masks in the pouch. She also included a special pouch, which I think is a) really neat, and b) a very cute design. All of the masks in this pouch are the Lovemore brand, and I don't actually know that much about them so this will be a picture heavy blog post.
The main ingredients in these masks are Bamboo, Bitter Gourd, and Red Pearl Barley. I've never heard of the last two, but I know bamboo is usually pretty good. I like getting masks with unusual ingredients as it exposes me to new things, as well as showcasing some of the things that are used in the rest of the world. I'm excited to see what these masks are like.
These three are Rose Hybrida, Wine Yeast, and Wild Yam. Again ingredients that are used in ways I'm not familiar with. I'm loving the pictures and long explainations on the masks packets (click the picture to embiggen if you need).
Different packaging again, clearly showcasing three different ranges within the Lovemore brand. These ones have Rhodiola Antioxident, Black Pearl, Scattered Yurong (???), and Cubilose extract. I don't even know what several of those ones originate from, let alone what they are supposed to do. Luckily this brand has some English on the back so I'm not totally in the dark.
I know most people probably don't feel this way, but I always feel this insane excitement at the prospect of trying out new masks on my face. I can't wait to try out all of these masks, and I feel this rush of pleasure when I look at my ever-growing sheet mask collection. Phew! Keep an eye out on Masked Madness for mask empties, and short reviews of each one.
Until next time ...
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